I was talking to a friend about how we often end up doing, saying, and being many of the same things we didn't want to do, say and be, and living the same cycles we didn't want to live.


I asked if she'd ever heard the song "In the Blood" by John Mayer. She said she hadn't.


In the song, Mayer introspects about his life and flaws, asking, "Will it wash out in the water, or is it always in the blood?"


Although the song doesn't necessarily offer the answers, it definitely asks the right question.


In fact, a great way to assess the progress of a person is not by what they know, but by the questions they ask. Asking the right questions is a huge part of forward progress.


To the question of whether the way we are as people, parents, friends, spouses, students, co-workers, etc. is "always in the blood," (how we've been nurtured and natured) I think the answer is yes...and no.


The other interesting lyric of the song is: "will it wash out in the water?"


For those who are from a Christian background like me, the practice of baptism or being born again comes to mind, where water is used as the agent to signify the conscious choice of spiritual cleansing.


So it seems to me the answer to the question is, "it's up to you."


The water source is abundant and always able to do it's work.


The only question is, do we choose to accept it and let it cleanse us. And do we commit to stay close to it for constant refreshing.


We can't change our nature or our past, but we can greatly empower our spirit and our future when we are washed by the water.


We all have insecurities, inadequacies, and infirmities that hold us back. Much of it comes from choices we've made and the code written into us from our nature/nurture passed down over many generations, and inherited as just living in this world.


These things can all be duct-taped over by therapists and pills, but nothing washes like the water.


So the question is, did you start your day bathing in the water, and are you making sure to drink of it regularly to keep you refreshed and empowered?


It's probably necessary if you want to be led by more than just the nature of what's in your blood, and if you want to experience true love, joy, peace, goodness, success, empowerment, and positive abundance. Just release the struggle. Allow and receive it.


Here's a link to the song if you're interested: